Life As A Human

Friday, April 29, 2005

Calderon Theatre

I discovered something very cool this spring when I went to Mexico on a missions tirp. I and 14 others packed up and hit the road for two days, arriving in Zacatecas, a beautiful colonial city in Central Mexico. We did some construction on a new church and taught English classes. We were very busy, but we did manage to get some sight-seeing in. During my downtown explorations, I foud this theatre, apparently named after me. When I got home I did some research and it turns out there is also a "Calderon Theatre" in Spain. I just thought it was really cool.

The "Calderon Theatre" in Zacatecas, Mexico

Thursday, April 28, 2005

How to Proclaim the Plain and Simple Truth That You Are a Woman of God

My dear friend, Sarah, commented on the excelent worth of a site I linked a couple of days ago on "Anabaptist Traditions." It's a site that showcases and sells an endless display of head coverings and also informs that, by wearing such head coverings, you can "proclaim the plain & simple truth that you are a woman of God." I have to agree with them on the validity of the head covering. Clearly I have been miseducated on how to demonstrate my beliefs to the world. Here I've been, working hard to let Jesus be seen in my words and behavior, when all I had to do was go online and purchase a handy head covering or the more Christian version of head coverings, witness-wear.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Child's Talk

An extremely young and pouty voice says, "Mommy, Timmy put his finger in my soup!"
Mommy replies, "Timmy, did you put your finger in Lilly's soup?"
"No, she put her finger in her soup," Timmy replies defensively.
Who put their finger in the soup? It will forever be a mystery. However, I hope they do find out who put the finger in Anna Ayala's chili, that will be a riot.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Anabaptist Traditions

This morning I was approaching a major intersection in town when something caught my eye. There were two ladies in a white mini-van pulling out of McDonald's, burger and soft drink in hand. What's interesting is that they were wearing head coverings, like the ones Mennonite or Amish women wear. Isn't their sanction to stay away from motorized vehicles and processed foods? They must figure they're ok as long as they wear their head covering.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Small Town, USA

Recently, in our town, a group of developers have decided to uproot a whole street of old houses, clearning up space for a new strip mall. They're selling these houses to renovators who in turn relocate them, renovate them, and resell them.
I told you before how our new house was the only one on the street. Well, that's no longer true, and that fact changed overnight. Now here's an old, giant house on our street that appears to be levitating (hasn't yet been set on the ground). Rumor has it that they're putting at least six other houses on our street. That's crazy.
Being a small town with nothing else to do, people resort to entertaining themselves by checking out the house that's been moved. For the past week there's been a semi-steady procession of cars creeping down our street, their passengers inquisitively craning their necks. Some are even so curious as to turn around and dally back down the street.
My sisters and I contrived several plans to astonish and further entertain these pitifully bored individuals. We thought we could put up a sign saying, quite sarcastically, "could you go any slower?" Another idea was to set up a lemonade stand on wheels. They drive by so sluggishly that we could walk alongside them, pestering them until they give in and buy a cup. The final and best idea was for one of us to stand at each end of the street and flag cars down as they turned on to the street, informing them that it's a dollar to behold the relocated house.
Ah, this is the life in good old small town USA!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Did you know?

I recently found out that new observations through the Spitzer Space Telescope have revealed life on Mars.
I was also informed that the reason why the man determines the gender of the baby is because, since the mom has to give birth and breastfeed, the man has to do something.
These are actually just a couple of answers my mom's high school students invented on their placement tests. I just thought they were worth sharing. Aren't highschoolers great?

Although, I should be careful because, being a college student, I'm sure that after four years my professors have some great blackmail material from my test essays. Yikes!


My parents are moving to a new neighborhood this weekend. They've been house shopping for months now. Finally, they landed the perfect fit. It's not too fancy, not too plain. It's actually just right for them (I don't live with them, I just live nearby and mooch off them as often as possible). We're all very excited.
One day I took the roundabout way home from church just so I could drive by the new house. As I turned on to their street, I detected that, oddly enough, it was the only house on the block.
I later found out that not only is it the only house on the block, but the address is 1102 1st St., a street that doesn't exist. The house is actually on Cedar St., so my parents have had to petition a change of address.
The previous owners moved out a few weeks ago but we weren't ready to move in yet, so the house was completely devoid of any furniture, causing it to feel dim & eerie at night. Feeling the inspiration, I invited a bunch of friends over for a night of "hide and seek" and "sardines." The games were intense and a little nervewrecking. Some of the guys, in their mischievous childishness, discovered "secret passageways" in and under the house, both of them leading to bathrooms. They proceeded to hide in these passageways, waiting for the perfect time to reach in and terrify the unsuspecting victim.
I can't wait to find out what other strange things this house has. Although I think I won't be watching The Amityville Horror any time soon!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Some of my friends have recently hopped on the blog bandwagon. I, being a follower, felt compelled to follow suit. As to the title, "Something to Chew On...." I like to think, but sometimes my thoughts are half-baked, short-sighted, simple-minded, sluggish. In other words, I think for a long time on something and I often still don't reach any reasonable conclusions.
Hopefully, though, with the help of you, my visitors, these over-chewed thoughts will become something worth finally swallowing. I hope you'll be compelled to help me out.