Small Town, USA
Recently, in our town, a group of developers have decided to uproot a whole street of old houses, clearning up space for a new strip mall. They're selling these houses to renovators who in turn relocate them, renovate them, and resell them.
I told you before how our new house was the only one on the street. Well, that's no longer true, and that fact changed overnight. Now here's an old, giant house on our street that appears to be levitating (hasn't yet been set on the ground). Rumor has it that they're putting at least six other houses on our street. That's crazy.
Being a small town with nothing else to do, people resort to entertaining themselves by checking out the house that's been moved. For the past week there's been a semi-steady procession of cars creeping down our street, their passengers inquisitively craning their necks. Some are even so curious as to turn around and dally back down the street.
My sisters and I contrived several plans to astonish and further entertain these pitifully bored individuals. We thought we could put up a sign saying, quite sarcastically, "could you go any slower?" Another idea was to set up a lemonade stand on wheels. They drive by so sluggishly that we could walk alongside them, pestering them until they give in and buy a cup. The final and best idea was for one of us to stand at each end of the street and flag cars down as they turned on to the street, informing them that it's a dollar to behold the relocated house.
Ah, this is the life in good old small town USA!
I told you before how our new house was the only one on the street. Well, that's no longer true, and that fact changed overnight. Now here's an old, giant house on our street that appears to be levitating (hasn't yet been set on the ground). Rumor has it that they're putting at least six other houses on our street. That's crazy.
Being a small town with nothing else to do, people resort to entertaining themselves by checking out the house that's been moved. For the past week there's been a semi-steady procession of cars creeping down our street, their passengers inquisitively craning their necks. Some are even so curious as to turn around and dally back down the street.
My sisters and I contrived several plans to astonish and further entertain these pitifully bored individuals. We thought we could put up a sign saying, quite sarcastically, "could you go any slower?" Another idea was to set up a lemonade stand on wheels. They drive by so sluggishly that we could walk alongside them, pestering them until they give in and buy a cup. The final and best idea was for one of us to stand at each end of the street and flag cars down as they turned on to the street, informing them that it's a dollar to behold the relocated house.
Ah, this is the life in good old small town USA!
Yey! Finally a place to do our bikini carwash. We need money for this summer...
curiousceridwen, at 12:48 AM
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