Life As A Human

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Beauty From The Pain

There's always beauty to unveil; always pain to prevail. Yet often times, unveiling the beauty requires prevailing the pain.
Have you ever noticed a mother holding her newborn child, what ravishing beauty encompasses her? When minutes before all she could think of was the excruciating pain that childbearing is.
Have you ever noticed one finding salvation whose life has been characterized by struggle and sin? What beauty radiates from a soul freshly washed by the Savior. It seems that the dirtier the soul, the brighter the radiance. Beauty really does come from pain.
And you. Me. What beauty have we found in life? Often times it is simple: a hug, a star, a moment. But the beauty that comes from pain, that beauty marks us. Look at the scars of our Lord: such pain, such suffering, such beauty. His pain ensures the beauty of our perfection. Not because of righteous things which we have done, but because He loves us. We are perfect to Him.
So live, love, and never give up. Surely and with time, beauty will come from this pain.


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