Life As A Human

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Life In A Box

life in a box

I've been going to college for four years now. I've always followed the dress code, taken every test and gone to every class. I've been a benchmark college student (for the most part). In just one more semester I'll be graduating and deciding what comes next in life. I could get a good full-time job in the area or move somewhere else in the country and be just as successful. I could even enroll back in school and no one would think I was acting amiss.

But what would happen if I broke out of this box I've been living in and did something crazy? What if I sold all my precious belongings, blindly landed my finger on a map, and bought a one way ticket there? What if I quit my job, packed my bags and moved to Madagascar (or somewhere just as obscure), with no real plan in mind? My parents might say it's a shame to waste my education. And I have to admit that the idea of uprooting and going somewhere completely unknown and drastically different from my comfy box is scary. I don't know if I could do it. But then again, I don't know if I can keep living in my little box.

I guess the bottom line is deciding whether I'm happy with my boring, yet cozy little box, or am I more eager to get out and find out what resides beyond this box life?


  • Atta girl--that's the spirit!

    I can think of a couple crazy things to do that would break us out of our constricting little me tonight around 6:00...really. Box be gone!!

    By Blogger curiousceridwen, at 3:48 PM  

  • well, geez. We've broken out, girl. I mean, a little. We daringly traded spaces, and now we're going to Vegas! C'mon, how much more adventurous could life be??

    Seriously, I think you need to break out and update your blog. Everyday I log on with great anticiaption...and then my hopes are dashed.

    By Blogger curiousceridwen, at 3:55 PM  

  • oh hey...just clicked on the picture, which made it really big...and it says "Product of U.S.A." Whatever.

    By Blogger curiousceridwen, at 3:56 PM  

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