What Can I Do For You My Lord?
Every day we ask God questions like these, "bless me, forgive me, save me." It seems ironic that we could address God as Lord and then proceed to list off all we want to get from Him.Lord God, please give me
strength.I'm scared of what you have for
me.This world is tough and
critical.What is to become of
me?Lord God, please forgive me when I
sin.The thoughts that enter my
mindand the sorrow I find
theremake me feel like my salvation is
lost.Lord God, please make me
holy.I seek you and I desire
you,yet I feel like I'm so far from
you.All I ask is holiness. Teach me
We have my minds set on becoming sinless. We pray every day and we even read the B ible on our knees (that's holier, you know). We don't watch movies with questionable content (unless they're based on classic literature), and we don't even own a tv anymore because everything on it is smut.
We know when God's calling us to the mission field and we want to please Him, but we're scared. We're scared of the evil we will encounter and the conditions we'll have to live in. Most of all, we're wicked scared of taking sin with us to the mission field.
We read the biography of DL Moody and find out how he completely gave up tv and everything bad in his life.
We see the great things he's done in life. Then we feel like if we could only get rid of everything sinful in our lives, then we could do great things for God.
In my pursuit of holiness, I've ended up becoming selfish. My thought becomes that everything I do and all that happens to me must be God's way of making me more holy. So I ask again and again, "God, please bless me, forgive me, save me."
But the question is not, "what can You do for me?" But, "what can I do for you, my Lord?"