Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Life In A Box
life in a box
I've been going to college for four years now. I've always followed the dress code, taken every test and gone to every class. I've been a benchmark college student (for the most part). In just one more semester I'll be graduating and deciding what comes next in life. I could get a good full-time job in the area or move somewhere else in the country and be just as successful. I could even enroll back in school and no one would think I was acting amiss.
But what would happen if I broke out of this box I've been living in and did something crazy? What if I sold all my precious belongings, blindly landed my finger on a map, and bought a one way ticket there? What if I quit my job, packed my bags and moved to Madagascar (or somewhere just as obscure), with no real plan in mind? My parents might say it's a shame to waste my education. And I have to admit that the idea of uprooting and going somewhere completely unknown and drastically different from my comfy box is scary. I don't know if I could do it. But then again, I don't know if I can keep living in my little box.
I guess the bottom line is deciding whether I'm happy with my boring, yet cozy little box, or am I more eager to get out and find out what resides beyond this box life?
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Cinco De Mayo
Cinco de Mayo [Sp. sēng'kô de mä'yô].
Traditional Mexican outfits, exotic food and colorful piñatas. Is Cinco de Mayo the Mexican version of the 4th of July? Sounds like it should be, but it's not. Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) is the celebration of the Batalla de Puebla (Battle of Puebla) in 1862, which is just a few years after our Independence in 1810. At the Batalla de Puebla, the ill-equipped Mexican militia held victory over the French forces of Emperor Napoleon III. Mexico actually ended up losing the war and had to endure the occupation by France and the rule of Emperor Maximillian. However, with the help of the U.S., they did finally defeat the French and deposed their puppet Emperor, Maximillian, reinstating Benito Juarez as President.