Life As A Human

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Life When It Changes

When I was ten, it seemed like nothing would ever change. I would stay that way forever: living at Mom and Dad's, surviving the intricacies of elementary school, bunking with my younger sister, and "helping" my dad with his latest project. After all, there had never been any dramatic changes in my life. There was the occasional addition of a sibling here and there, but nothing too major.

Then something major happened, I moved away to college. While it was a change I had been anticipating and was ready for, I ended up resenting it for how hard it was. But, like every change in life, I coped with it and it's now a normal part of my life.

My life is completely different now. Then again, there are some things that haven't changed. I'm still surviving the intricacies of school, bunking with my little sister (but not at Mom and Dad's), and every now and then my dad still reels me in to help him with his latest project.

Life today resembles my life yesterday, it's familiar yet it's completely different. Odd thing is, I look forward to more changes. I'm ready to graduate from college, to have a career or a family, to get on the mission field. I'm ready for a change. I just hope I don't resent it when it comes.


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